“Bashfulness, however it may incommode for a moment, scarcely ever
produces evils of long continuance; it may flush the cheek, flutter in the heart,
deject the eyes, and enchain the tongue, but its mischiefs soon pass off without
remembrance. It may sometimes exclude pleasure, but seldom opens any
avenue to sorrow or remorse. It is observed somewhere that few have repented
of having forborne to speak.” - Samuel Johnson

Remember that your mind is very flexible. It’s just that we tend to do things
in patterns and forget to take advantage of change. Shy people hang onto their
shyness because it’s familiar, painful yes, but still familiar. Your thoughts are
powerful tools for change; it’s just a matter of wanting to very much.

Think of life as a dance; you just need to learn the steps and really hear
the music. Shyness doesn’t have to control your life, you’re in control when it
comes to your behavior and your attitude. You know what you want to do and
you know how you like to spend your time and with whom. You can’t control the
thoughts and behavior of others, but you’re in charge of yourself.

When it comes to new situations and you’ve had a chance to do your
mental ‘rehearsal’ it won’t take you long to warm up and be sociable. If it’s not a
scenario you’ve had a chance to prepare for, take a deep breath, step out, and
psychologically feel your way around until you become acclimated and more

The shy person has lost a part of his identity and lives in loneliness, and in
trying to avoid rejection and pain, has only succeeded in making a prison for
himself and erecting a wall between himself and others.

Overcoming shyness is the way to happiness and acceptance, harmony
and success. Good luck to you! You can do this.

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